We just finished dinner, where I consumed as much pasta as my stomach could hold while my parents enjoyed tacos and “little” wine. I don’t know if it was the food, amazing weather, or good company, but the night just felt right. The people here in Coeur D’Alene are incredibly nice and the fellow triathletes are awesome. We were sitting next to a crew from BC Canada and they were living it up. While I was there watching what I ate and hydrating with water, they were on their 5th beer and making special requests for apple pie. After that, and some funny conversation, I’m convinced that Canadians really know how to live.
Earlier today, I completed my last swim and run workouts before the big day, and my body was feeling great. All the talk of freezing cold lake water was a bit of an overstatement. I felt great in the water and it’s even supposed to warm up to 62 degrees by race day. Now that’s just balmy. I also met up with a bunch of the DC Tri crew during my morning swim. It was nice to see a few friendly faces and a couple of us are planning on meeting up before the race to start out the swim together. That should help calm my nerves.
After a quick swim, the parents and I hopped in the car to go check out eastern Idaho. We attempted to ride the gondolas at Silverwood but coincidentally stumbled upon the city of Wallace, ID, a place with plenty of interesting history but one that looks eerily like an old western town, just without the tumbleweed. If you ever make it out this way, I highly recommend stopping in to check it out. Once we had our huckleberry shake, we hopped back in the car to make the scenic drive back to Coeur D’Alene to grab lunch and hit up the expo.
The race expo was packed with so many goodies and I even got my first look at a couple of my favorite triathletes – Michael Lovato and Linsey Corbin. While I shopped around and picked up some last-minute race needs, my parents spent some time making signs for me (goofy picture below). From there, it was back to the hotel to change for a quick run.
Overall, a very busy day but a big success. We saw plenty of the great sites around the area and my last two workouts went perfectly. Now, it’s just one more day of soccer-filled fun and rest, rest, and more rest. I don’t want to jinx anything here but if the US can pull out the win over Ghana and I can manage to finish the Ironman, this will easily be the greatest week of my life.

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