Friday, January 22, 2010

Training vs. The Book

I've never considered myself a person that gets lost in books.  Yes, I like to read and as I get older I find myself reading more and more, but I've always been more likely to plop down in front of a TV for a sports game or a guilty-pleasure sitcom after a long workout.  This year though, thanks to the incredible invention that is DVR, I've been able to watch my favorite TV shows (How I Met Your Mother, of course) while doing my indoor bike workouts, freeing up plenty of extra time to dive into new books.

Normally, I just spend a couple hours here and there whenever I can.  I read during my commute and I usually read before bed.  But that's it.  Never have I fiended for a book or lost sleep because I needed to know what happened on that next page.

...until this week.  Before I left home over the holidays my Mom gave me "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and ever since I've started it, my training has suffered.  I've cut off a couple workouts early to spend extra time reading and I may have even cancelled one workout this week just because I'm so obsessed.  I know I know - it's bad, but I can't help myself.  The book just sits there staring at me and taunting me.  It's really not my fault.

Fortunately, the weekend is almost here and I'll have plenty of time to both train and lock myself in a room to finish the book.

Needless to say, this week's training has been sub-par.  And not because of friends, or social gatherings, or TV, or sickness.  Because of a book.  So this is the last time I ever accept a book from my Mom and start reading it during training.  From now until June, I'm sticking with my interesting-but-not-addicting nonfiction books.

 My Training's Archenemy:


  1. I haven't even read your post yet, just looked at the end and met your "archenemy." I don't even know you anymore man. Go watch some Homestar or Deal or No Deal and eat some chocolate chip cookies.

    (Seriously though, well done! Keep it up man!)

  2. After reading your post, I stand by my prior comment.

  3. HA! I have that book. Good to know it's that good. We can chat about it over crumpets and tea....

  4. that book is hard to put down. but you'll persevere . i have faith.
