Monday, January 18, 2010

God Bless Three Day Weekends

In case anyone was wondering, I absolutely love three-day weekends. More time to sleep, more time to socialize, and most importantly more time to train. What could be better?

During the past 72 hours I was able to squeeze in nine hours of training, three nights of catching up with new and old friends, plenty of boring errands, a few trips to some of my favorite museums and monuments in DC, and countless hours of uninhibited rest.

So as I sit here treating my legs to a much needed date with the couch, I can’t help but think about how I wish every weekend had one extra day added on. Since I officially started training a couple weeks ago, my days are fairly regimented. I wake up for work around 6:30 or 7:00, if not earlier on the days I try to get a morning workout in, and finish up at the office shortly after 6:00pm. Then it’s on to the gym or pool where I spend a couple hours building my strength and honing my multi-sport skills. Afterwards, I catch a bus home that allows me to relax my legs and put my head down into a good book. By 9:00 I’m starving and thinking about the quickest way to get food on a plate and my body on a couch.

Now all of this may seem like a monotonous life (and actually as I write it all out it, even I think I’m pretty lame), but I took on this challenge for a reason. I love those hours I spend training each day. I love the exhaustion I feel as I ride that bus home each night. And I love the idea that for the next six months, I’m being forced to become much more intentional with my time.

But with that said, 72 hours of freedom is not lost on me. Whether it’s turning down drinks with friends because I have a date with the gym or staying home on a Friday night to rest my legs, I’ve come to recognize and appreciate the beauty of free time and the importance of maintaining a normal life. When it’s possible, I’ll always try to get out and spend time with friends. Or if the weather is nice, I won’t think twice about pulling out the nerd-card and visiting a couple museums or monuments.

It may not sound like fun, but I relish this challenge and while it definitely occupies plenty of time I could be spending with great friends or watching reality television (yea yea, go ahead and judge me), it is actually helping me to become more intentional and accomplish all the things I want to in life.

With that said though, I wouldn’t be opposed to a couple more Monday holidays and three day weekends.

Postscript: for all those friends who are reading this thinking about how much they hate me for being a bad friend – thanks for understanding. I may be MIA a lot over the next six months but I promise that come June 28th, I’ll be the one closing down the bar and hanging out poolside with an endless supply of Bud Light Lime.


  1. I think every triathlete who's serious about a race has to face the time when he puts a social life aside for training and "monotony." You will find out who your true friends are, and you'll make a lot of fellow crazy tri friends along the way!

  2. Hi Justin,

    Long-time friend, moderately frequent reader. On behalf of myself, let me say, you are crazy. And at the same time pretty inspiring. That being said, no need for the post script, your friends will be here for you when you are done exploring the triathletic world, but we do reserve the right to keep making fun of you (while at the same time talking about how cool and inspiring your training is when you aren't around). Keep it up brother.

  3. I am going to volunteer myself as the tracker of how many bars Justin "closes down" between June 28, 2010 and December 31, 2010. I'm putting the over-under at 5, any takers?

    I will also volunteer to be pool side....I know, it's a tough life.

  4. Dearest Justin,

    As long as on June 29th we're closing down the bar with some PISCO and not lame bud light lime (what?!)... everything will be a-okay.
    Continue on your trek to inspiring more people to add junk to their trunk (there I said it right).


  5. I'm proud to even KNOW a budding triathlete! And I'm looking forward to June 27th in Idaho for sure ... Mom and I will be behind you all the way. Really. Like probably way behind you, in a car. That said, thanks for inspiring me to lose weight and get in better shape myself ... you are amazing (and yes, maybe a little crazy like the Boca man says). Keep on runnin' cyclin' swimmin' ... not in that order.

  6. Of all the embarrassing things you have posted (or will post) on this blog, nothing will ever outstrip the embarrassment of publicly recording your preference for Bud Light Lime.

    I'm just saying.
