Monday, June 27, 2011

Final Recap: Spain and Argentina

It has been one week now since I was walking off my final international flight and things haven't exactly slowed down. From the airport in DC, I packed up a rental car and drove straight down to Greensboro, before packing up my real car and starting my trek west. Right now, I'm kicking back in Minneapolis for one more day. But right now I want to at least give my brief impressions on my international travel before going into the nonstop USA road trip fun.

Spain Observations:
  • I may be in the minority but Madrid is my favorite city. The charm of Boston with the weather and kindness of the South was pretty hard not to like. Although I'll admit Barcelona is the ideal spot for outdoor lovers.
  • Spanish women are gorgeous. Even the "uglier" ones are attractive. And Spanish men are horrible. It just doesn't add up. I'm thinking Spanish women need to be matched with Aussie guys or some place like that.
  • The Spanish eating schedule should be adopted everywhere. Big lunch with a small, late dinner makes for an entire population of skinny people (not too many fit people though).
  • The "us" mentality in the country maintains a wonderful charm but holds them back globally.

Spain Highlights:
  • Both nights of dinner and drinks in Madrid with my Greensboro friend
  • Drinks with the bartender in Grenada while watching the US vs. Spain game
  • Church service at the Cathedral in Valencia
  • Visiting the Sagrada Familia at night with no one around
  • Running up the Montjuic in the early Barcelona morning with no one around
  • Pimientos Padron (aka perfect drunk food) at 29 Fanegas in Madrid

last night in Spain with Tera (Greensboro) on the left and her roommate Blanca on the right; taken at approx. 3:00am on a weeknight after plenty of vino

Argentina Observations:
  • People aren't so concerned with schedules and I didn't mind it one bit.
  • Asado is not just amazing food but an idea that underscores the importance of family in Argentina
  • They take partying to a better level.
  • Efficiency is not a priority in Argentina, for better and worse. People are more laid back but they are also less inclined to fix things, whether big or small.
  • San Juan's charm is best summed up in a quote from my sister: "This is a place unlike the US. There is still so much to do here that hasn't been done. To create, to build, and make things better for everyone."

Argentina Highlights:
  • Experiencing a day in my sister's shoes and understanding her love for the city
  • Asado with my sister's Argentine-family 
  • The beautiful countryside and untouched mountains
  • Empanadas, clearly

hanging with the sis on my final day in Argentina

1 comment:

  1. Hola Justin, soy Juanjo, el amigo de Alyson, de Valencia!
    Acabo de leer tu blog y que gran viaje!!! ¿Viste? Jaja, veo que te gustaron las mujeres españolas, ¿eh? Y de ARgentina, jaja... riquisimas empanadas de Don Zoilo!
    Mmmm.... de mi España te faltó la paella... asi que, cuando vuelvas, avisame, eh? Yo trabajo en un restaurante de comida tipica valenciana, asi que ahi comeras paella. Y tambien podemos hacer buenas rutas con bici!
