Foot: I have to be cautious with what I say here because I know my parents will worry if I don’t say I’m 100% but the good news is that I’m almost back to full health. I’ve done a couple (very) short run bursts to test it out and all signs point to go. The only thing stopping me now is my paranoia. Occasionally when I’m rolling my foot around in a chair or in bed, I feel some weakness where the broken bone was and I worry that it isn’t fully healed. The doc said there would still be some soreness but because I don’t feel the sharp pain when running it means that the bone is healing properly. Long story short, I’m going easy until Sunday – first BC soccer game of the season.
Training: Surprisingly, I’ve been keeping up with all my bike and swim training. Just this past weekend I did a monster 5500m swim session (well, monster for me since I haven’t done anything that far) and logged around 90 miles on the bike in two days.
Miscellaneous: Squeezed in between my training and eating schedules (oh, P.S. I quit vegetarianism so I could eat a true Cuban meal with my brother and Uncle), I’ve managed to enjoy quite a bit of time as a DC tourist. It’s no secret I’m a sucker for museums in the city and what better way to strengthen a weak foot than with some low impact slow walking around exhibits. And yes, I realize that sounds incredibly lame, but I swear I’m pretty cool.
Cherry Blossom season...aka 'Tourists Get in the Way of Training Season'


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