Sunday, May 23, 2010


After a Friday and Saturday of polar opposites, I started thinking about the recent changes in my life and what I’ve had to part with in order to cram in all my training. 50+ hour work weeks, 17-20 hour training weeks, and a bonus requirement of 7-8 hours of sleep each day doesn’t leave much free time for the other things I enjoy. Plus, add in all the small daily details (commuting, errands, showering, etc.) and I’m left with a whopping 1-3 hours of free time each night.

So now the question is - what exactly do I do with those precious free hours. Most days, I have to rule out any form of activity, even walking, because even those “free” hours are dedicated to recovery, but as long it involves a couch, chair, or bed, I’m good to go.

Unfortunately, while I wish I could say that I take full advantage of the free time and I’m just as productive as I am with the rest of my daily schedule, the truth is that the only thing I have the energy for after these tough training days is mindless television or the occasional book. Sad, I know. Frustrating, definitely. Fulfilling, every single day of the week.

So here are my other passions that have had to be put on the back burner but I cannot wait to do when June 28th rolls around:

  1. Cooking – it’s been months since I’ve had time to shop at the Farmers Market and prepare an elaborate meal during the week
  2. Catching up with Friends – I imagine a lot of you are nodding your heads reading this one, and rightfully so. After long days training, I have very little energy to go out and socialize or pick up the phone and chat with some of my favorite people in the world
  3. Soccer – No matter how many races I compete in, I’ll always think of myself as a soccer player first so come July and August, you can expect to find me with a ball at my feet almost every day
  4. Museums/Monuments – such a simple and cheesy thing to list as a love but I miss being able to leisurely walk around this great city and enjoy the history and museums
  5. Wine, Beer, Scotch – I hate planning out the few days I can have one drink and cannot wait for the freedom to crack open a beer or have a glass of wine or scotch after a long day at work
  6. Gardening – make fun of me all you want, but playing Martha Stewart every now and then is peaceful, productive and healthy

1 comment:

  1. okay, who are you and what did you do with my brother
