Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ebbs and Flows of Motivation

When it comes to sticking with my training program, motivation is always a big variable. Some weeks I’ll want to get out there and hammer more than I’m supposed to, and others I just want to get by with the bare minimum. For example, last week’s snowmaggedon was a major drain on my training motivation but this week I feel like a million bucks and I’m on pace for a 15 hour week.

I recognize that part of these swings are situational - last week I was glued to a couch day and night because of the storm and this week I’ve just come back from a rejuvenating three days with my family. But I also realize the need to be more intentional about motivating myself during those tough weeks and forcing myself to get out there.

So far, I’ve found that my family and YouTube are my two biggest allies on this front. The countless Ironman and extreme sports videos online are always a sure-fire way to get me out the door, or at least make me feel like a bum, and spending time with or talking to my family gives me the push I need to suck it up. Unfortunately, they aren’t around all the time and I’m slowly becoming more intentional about getting out the door and training hard regardless of my state of mind.

Whether it’s a group ride and run or just adopting the mantra of “turn off your mind and just do work” (courtesy of Matty Reed), I’m finding ways to keep my mind focused on the goal ahead. I know that when it comes to race day, I’ll only have myself to answer to when I’m out there on those long stretches of empty, lonely road.

With that said, peer pressure will always be the spark for my biggest weakness and best asset. I always seem to train harder when a friend challenges me or when I hear about a fellow triathlete’s latest training set. Yes, there’s a strong part of that which inspires me, but the underlying theme is competition. While I may not always be proud of the negative effects, I’m a competitor at heart and my #1 motivation will always be the drive to be better and do more than even I can imagine.

1 comment:

  1. You are unstoppable ... we all are, but only if we believe it. It is all in the mind first. Isn't that true in everything we do? First a goal, then the action proceeds. Glad that you recognize the power you have, driven by your internal competition as much as external ... I hope the "rejuvenation" from the fam helps this week. I can't wait to see you again, and can't wait for Idaho!
