Dear Marathon Training,
I’m so sorry, but I had to cheat on you yet again. You know I love you dearly and I’m committed to you [for the next three months] but when the beautiful game comes calling, I have a hard time saying no. Don’t worry I didn’t do anything stupid that would ruin what we have. I promise. You just have to understand that soccer is my first love and you can never forget that first true love.
Phew, now that that’s out of the way, I can get to the good stuff. Virginia Beach – soccer, townies, soreness, fun.
That’s right folks, I spent this past weekend playing a little soccer and enjoying the always-wholesome Virginia Beach. One of the teams I occasionally play for asked me to join them for an annual soccer tournament and I jumped at the opportunity to get some touches on the field. I knew it probably wasn’t the greatest idea since I always come back from long soccer weekends with way too many bumps and bruises, but I promised myself that I’d take it easy and tone down my competitiveness so I could come back healthy .
So with that, my baby bro [oh yea, it was a Nunez party] and I drove down Saturday morning and took the field with a quality group of guys and gals. Now, I have to be honest, even with my toned down attitude and aggressiveness, I figured we would easily walk away with the tournament win. Call me arrogant, but I’m just not used to losing and certainly not when I have a relatively strong core of players around me. Unfortunately, about ten minutes into the first game, all hopes of winning the tournament were dashed when the most unathletic team I’ve ever played against put a cheap goal in our net and never looked back. Ouch!
And thus ends my discussion about the soccer in Virginia Beach. I would love to go into more detail but like I said, I didn’t come into the weekend with my usual uber-competitive and uber-aggressive mindset so I wasn’t my normal upset self when we didn’t win.
The rest of the weekend was a collection of great stories, good people and countless townies. I mean come on, when you get about a dozen North Carolinians (yep, this team was stacked with players from the best state), a city that has arguably more townies and cheesy/awesome bars than the Jersey Shore, and a few whiskey shots and/or beers, you know you’re in for a good time.
the Saturday night crew... before the shenanigans
the Latino flavor of the team
bags on the water = greatest bar ever
(not to mention the 75 year old men rocking the dance floor and numerous "working" coeds)
the squad